Website Manager

Parent Expectations


  1. Have fun

  2. Attend your player's games  

  3. Be a supportive parent for the Manager and team  

  4. Communicate with the Manager only in appropriate ways  

  5. Cheer for all players on both teams  

  6. Be a positive role model  

  7. Be there for your player whether successful or struggling for success 

  8. Respect and support League volunteers and be prepared to “pitch in” when asked

  9. Understand that the game is difficult to learn and play  

  10. Look for opportunities to work with your player on the basic skills of the game  

  11. Be positive and be supportive whether your team wins or loses  

  12. Be a model of good sportsmanship  

  13. Never use negative comments towards the players from either team  

  14. Respect the umpire’s decisions. Refrain from making the umpire’s job more difficult than it already is. Be willing to forgive the bad call, the inconsistent strike zone, or the muffed rule. There are no experts in a volunteer Little League organization. 

  15. Respond to questionnaires to evaluate Managers/Coaches at the end of season.  



  1. Come and enjoy the games. Help us make this fun for all the players on all teams. 

  2. Allow the Managers to run the team. Please refrain from approaching the dugout during a game. REMEMBER THAT WE ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS. 

  3. Please discuss any concerns that you have with the Manager after the game and away from the team’s players. 

  4. Set a good example for our players. Don’t yell at our umpires or opposing players. 

  5. Volunteer to help us make this a positive experience for your player. There are many small and/or one-time jobs that need to be done both during the season and during the off-season.

Team Building

Tee Ball and Farm Divisions - Teams placements are assigned randomly to balance roster numbers. Teammate and coach requests are considered but not guaranteed.

Minors, Majors and Juniors/Seniors Divisions - Teams are built through a draft process as outlined by Little League International based upon the ratings determined during the skills assessments.  Managers draft players to their team during the draft process with the oversight of the player agent, VPs of baseball and softball and the President.  Upon completion of the draft, total team scores are reviewed and if necessarily, a rebalancing is performed through a trade process in an effort to build comparable teams.  Teammate and coach requests are considered in the draft process but not guaranteed.  


Teams will show up at the fields as scheduled.  Any delay of game or suspension will be per LL Rule 3.10.  

Only under extreme weather conditions will the President of the League, Chief Umpire, or Safety Officer, through League sanctioned online platform (Facebook) or text message, cancel games.  

Games in the competitive divisions cancelled due to weather may be rescheduled through the VPs of baseball and softball.  Games in the Farm and Tee Ball divisions cancelled due to weather are not rescheduled.

Local Sponsors

Gastineau Channel Little League

Gastineau Channel Little League, PO Box 33694
Juneau, Alaska 99803

Email: [email protected]

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