Sideways sleet notwithstanding, just a reminder that player registration for the 2025 Softball and Baseball Season -- all divisions, Tee-ball through Jrs/Srs., ages 4-16.
Find registration materials under the registration tab on the GCLL website: There, you will also find the 2025 Registration Info and FAQ sheet, also attached here. Register by 2/9 to take advantage of Early Bird Discounts. Scholarships are also available. Heads up! All players in all divisions will be required to supply their own batting helmet. Also please be sure to update your player's uniform sizing when registering.
Note: Players in Baseball and Softball Minors Divisions and higher must attend skills assessment sessions to create even teams. Skills assessment will take place March 8 and 9. Signups for time slots coming soon. Tee ball and Farm do not need to attend skills assessment.
We need you! GCLL relies on volunteers not only to coach and manage, but also for umpiring, concessions, and help with all the odds and ends of coordinating hundreds of people. Whatever you can do, we’ll take it! Check the appropriate box during registration or visit for exciting volunteer opportunities.